Q: Company Names, contact images, and schedule Uploads
The app seems very useful and has lots of potential. Kudos.
A few questions:
1) CONFERENCE SCHEDULE - is there a way to upload an entire conference appointment schedule or does each appointment have to be added individually?
2) COMPANY is it possible to have a field for the contact’s company? This appears to be a basic necessity.
3) ADDING Fields - can use add additional fields such as contacts photo, pre-meeting notes, conference name
Jan 29, 2025A: Thanks for your comment and feedback.
1- We are working on calendar based or or OCR solution but it is not there yet . So meanwhile, you need to add them manually
2- yes, you are able to add company name and all necessary fields for each contact.
3- You can add pre-notes for each meeting. We are adding note field for each contact in next version. For contact photos, you may need to wait a bit .
Let us know if you had more questions.