Q: GDPR Compliance
Just checking how the data here is stored for leads in ContactButton. Can you shed some light on where /how it is stored especially for users in the EU?
Thank you

Feb 22, 2025A: Hi Devereaux, we currently have everything hosted on servers located in the EU. In the future, we'll likely allow new users to choose where they want data stored, but we'll never moving existing data out.
We do not use cookies for/in the actual button itself.
The only user data we currently capture and store is what is submitted via our Contact Form & Newsletter app and there are checkbox fields that can be added for users to check before submitting, if you want.
We'll be even further enhancing our Forms app and data retention and deletion capabilities next month.
As this is a common question, I'll spell this all out on two new pages that I'll publish this weekend at contactbutton.com/gdpr and contactbutton.com/security