Content Boom

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Q: Can I use only some features and avoid conflicts?

Can I use only the metadata generation and management features?
Can I introduce my blog's content and left Content Boom to analize it in order to generate all metadata and tags?
I already have a cdn app to manage images. Can I use Content Boom just to add ALT Texts to images and left the other SaaS to manage the delivering and size optimization?
Can I export the Meta Data of all the website on order to work on it in a work sheetm and later import back the revisited version?
Thank you.

mario_moreno_millanPLUSSep 16, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 18, 2024

A: Hey mario_moreno_millan,

Yes, you can use it for the intended features that you want to use, you don't have to use all the features available in Content Boom.

There is no export feature yet, but you can list that in our feature request page and if people need it, we'll build that.

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