Content Boom

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Member since: Aug 2024Deals bought: 10
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Aug 11, 2024

Great Image Alt-Text Generator with Room for Improvement

I wholeheartedly echo the feedback of other reviewers here: the image alt-text generator, although it does the job, needs to be improved so there's better file-type filtering, easier selection of multiple images, and also clearer messaging that generated alt-text do not need to be manually 'saved' after being generated. I've not tried the other features of Content Boom as I purchased it solely for the ai generation of alt-text of images.

Founder Team


Aug 18, 2024

Hey there!

Thanks for your honest feedback on our alt-text generator. We're glad it's serving its purpose, but we hear you on the room for improvement.

Your suggestions are exactly the kind of input we need. We're already brainstorming ways to streamline the process and make it more user-friendly.

We really appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. It's feedback like yours that helps us make Content Boom better for everyone.

Keep the ideas coming - we're always listening and eager to improve!

The Content Boom Team
