ContentPresso - AI Image + Social Media Canva Templates

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Member since: Apr 2016Deals bought: 28
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Apr 8, 2024

Great image generation with good prompts

There are some reviews about the images not coming out well. However, it really depends on what type of image is being generated, the AI generation model you chose and the prompt that you gave it. It really is only as good as what it is given and how good that image generation model is at that particular type of image. It does take some practice and trial and error, but for the value you get for the price you pay, it is quite capable and generous. See some of the example images and prompts on the dashboard and play around with similar prompts to familiarize yourself with how to use it and you will get good images. I used it make product photography backgrounds and I was quite impressed compared to other image generation software I tried in the past.
