Q: Hi, Your app looks promising, but the storage is extremely limited.

What is your cost for additional storage?

Can we bring our own cloud storage such as Wasabi?


ASumolingAug 12, 2024
Founder Team


Aug 12, 2024

A: Hi,

We’re currently offering tailored deals, and I’d like to understand how much storage you’re looking for. This will help us provide you with the best possible pricing. We also offer various plans on our website, including our Marketplace and Content Library.

At the moment, we don’t support bringing your own cloud storage, but we’re planning to add that feature in the future.

Please let me know your storage requirements so we can find the right plan for you.

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Posted: Aug 12, 2024

We are an art-driven product design company. We are at 20Tb and growing quickly.

We prefer to maintain our own storage, backup and redundancy.

Bring your own storage is probably the option.


Posted: Aug 14, 2024

I'm a designer-turned-entrepreneur, and I recommend trying Crafttor.

We're leading in Figma's Digital Asset Management category, offering features like tagging, version history, and a marketplace.

We provide unlimited storage, whether it's 50TB, 100TB, or more, at competitive rates. However, please note that we currently do not support fetching data from Wasabi to Crafttor Workspace.