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Member since: Jul 2011Deals bought: 33
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Posted: Sep 6, 2024

not for solopreneurs

I tried to get specifics before purchasing if this would allow for direct access via standard url addressing ( *Spoiler* it doesn't. The person you responded on AppSumo after asking for clarification answered a question I didn't even ask or have. And then never responded to my follow up asking for them to address my question. If you're going to be using it with one of their application plugins, it might be okay. But if you're planning to do any bulk processing via AI, or try to direct link to the asset stored for use on your website or blog, at least at this point you seem to be out of luck. In my mind, this is only a partially functional Digital Asset Manager.

Founder Team


Sep 7, 2024

Hi Steve,

We apologize for missing your query on August 29th. We make it a priority to respond to every question on the platform, and we are sorry we missed yours. We did reply to your previous questions, and three days ago, we also reached out via email to connect, but we didn't receive a response from you.

We want to assure you that we always strive to be transparent in our communication. If you review our AppSumo description, you'll see that we haven't over-promised anything. We have been careful to only promise what we can deliver, and this applies to your experience as well.

We understand your frustration, and we're here to help with any concerns you have. Your feedback is important to us, and we hope to earn your trust moving forward.
