CutMe Short

Product details

Q: Comparison?

Hi, I’m curious how your platform compares to Switchy, another established service here on AppSumo.

nickurbanPLUSSep 7, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 8, 2024

A: Hi Sumo-ling! 👋

Great question!
While Switchy is a well-established platform with robust features like retargeting pixels, A/B testing, and deep link integrations, CutMe Short is also rapidly evolving to offer a unique edge that goes beyond just link shortening.

We totally recognise that Switchy currently has a broader feature set, but the good news is that - simpler features like A/B testing, link retargeting, and others will be rolling out very soon. We’re even brainstorming on bringing pixel tracking, and it’s definitely something we may implement in the future!

Where CutMe Short really shines is our focus on empowering businesses through advanced analytics. We don’t just want to show you metrics; our goal is to provide actionable insights that guide you on how to optimize your campaigns.

And speaking of new features, we’re launching our Dynamic UTM parameters this week 🎉

Our vision is not just to catch up but to surpass expectations, with analytics as our core strength. We’re dedicated to helping businesses not only track clicks but also drive better decisions through insightful data i.e Socio economic data for geo marketing etc.!

We definitely want you to join our journey! and if you have any feature request feel free to tell us here or drop a mail at

Good day,
Best regards,

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