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Member since: May 2023Deals bought: 17
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Nov 12, 2023

So far, so very good

My favourite bit of software is in this same field, and quite frankly, it's much better. I love it so much they once employed me to make how-to videos!
It's also about $1500 per month.
While I'm happy to spend $1500 per month on behalf of people that employ me, we certainly can't afford it for our own small business. So I thought let's give this a go.
I stacked two codes, and, ignoring most of the instructions, set it up an a couple of hours.
I set up a careers page on our website using the widget, and now I am happily stacking up CVs in my talent pool and accepting applications for a job I posted.
Every small business that employs people and isn't big enough for a major Applicant Tracking System should have this. It works. It levels the field with your bigger competition for talent. It makes your life easier.
There's a few improvements I'd like, mainly to do with the local market. For example, education level. Here in Australia we have four Certificate Levels that sit above high school and below university, and often they are required. I'd like to be able to add my own levels of education.
I'm sure it will improve, and it's already great.
I've bought some great things from AppSumo but this is #1. Grab it.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Thank you for the great review :)
