Q: Q: How can I create a form from an external source? (Look up)

For example, I want to place a variables and insert the value from a google sheet - that would bring in more dynamicly.

Our usecase:
a school want to manage their photo releases via form. So, name, birthday & course should be delivered by an external source, depending on a prevously condition (insert an ID and the form will load the concerned data from the google sheet into the form).
Any idea ? ;-)

I see the url parameters ..but they are not dynamic - so it fits not 100%

Many greets

afsmerchPLUSSep 19, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 19, 2024

A: Creating forms from external resources is currently not possible. Once our API is available later this year, you will be able to create forms via the API. When creating a form, as a response, you will get the identifiers for pre-fillable fields.

Then you could use this data to further build your use-case and make use of our existing pre-filling, like you already mentioned.

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Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Sep 19, 2024

Hey Andreas, thank you for your quick reply and the amazing outlook. Sounds super cool and I am looing forward to end of this year!

All in all it would be great if you provide a public roadmap ... but anyway .. Ich feier euer Produkt! Viel Erfolg!

Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Sep 20, 2024

See: https://feedback.deftform.com/