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Member since: Jan 2022Deals bought: 43
3 stars
3 stars
Posted: Sep 18, 2024

Looking forward to the next 30 days...

My Case to be understood:
I'm new to e-com as seller but worked in online marketing strategy and search/shopping advertiser with own agency, so I've looked up several suites like helium but registered myself for none of these. I don't want to go into Dropshipping and find the latest trends, I want to buy branded OEM products and do shipping by myself that are bought enough to make a living from those sales. As I own a small travel agency, too, I wish to sell outdoor-products that guests of my tours would need as equipment - like a headlamp for a winter husky-sled-tour :- ) but not only for my guests to make more profit .. shure :)
Target countries and language are Germany, Switzerland, Austria - so German.

The Tools:
Product Research:
- When I enter a keyword and press Enter, nothing happens, operation only with the keyboard is not possible, you have to click in the ui.
- I enter Germany as the country - why do I get USD instead of Euro in “Sales” - but the price says EUR and USD in red next to it? Additionally, there is no option to change it in EUR.
- The social media icons (FB, TikTok, IG, ...) that a store has - are displayed or "icon inly", but you can't click on the icons to view the channels or even better to open them directly in Ad Research
- Traffic Source: For example, “36% direct, 2% paid” is displayed ... Why can't you see here what kind of paid? Is it FB Paid? G Search Paid? Shopping Paid?
- Separate multiple keywords with a comma is not possible, would be nice for different synonyms for the same product.

Ad Research:
- Why can't I open a keyword directly from Product Research in Ad Research? I have to reset all settings (country, keyword) manually by clicking them
- I can't find META ads for many of my search terms “Germany” > keyword “bamboo” (there are so many bamboo products...)
- Although I have specified Germany, I only get English and Chinese ads, example country “Germany” > keyword “duffle bag”
- Another example Country: Germany; Tech: Shopify, Keyword “cat” ... no display of ads like "there are no relevant ads for cat products in any shopify store".. but there are :)

Some additional points:
Verification email contains Chinese characters; therefore it's marked as spam.

The UI unfortunately looks like developed in the 2000s :(

The tools inside, like "product research" and "ad research" did not seem to be interlinked with each other.

I currently see the tool more as a “verification of my ideas, which I got from somewhere else”. I also take a critical view of the statement that some data is only updated once a month, but I don't know exactly which ones are which old, especially when it comes to recognizing trends, a month is a very long time... A mouseover bubble containing a date from the last data point would be nice.

I allow them another 30 days to show the roadmap, do something about the UI and, above all, improve the German data - so currently only 3/5 because I can see the effort behind it. Presently, the only real benefit for me is to see that there are stores with the products I have in mind and not a real platform for research.

If there are no huge steps forward to DACH Data-Sets, €-Data and some improvements in the UI to make it more interlinked in itself by function, (and optional: make it a bit modern and use standards in UI (f.e ENTER = go for it, form!)) that will be a refund.

If they do so, I'm looking forward to the development of the suite for the next month and years.

Founder Team


Sep 18, 2024

Thank you for this very informative review. We really appreciate your support!

In terms of country coverage, it is true that the majority of our data is focused on the US and other English-speaking countries, but we are also working hard to expand our data coverage. Regarding your other suggestions, they are great, and we truly appreciate them. We will address some of them in our next update and will also set up a page to make our product roadmap publicly viewable. Again, we sincerely appreciate your support, and we will work hard to improve our product.
