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Member since: Oct 2017Deals bought: 360
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: May 11, 2023

Great tool for webdesigners

If you are a webdesigner, you should get this tool. Really usefull when you don't have admin access or when you take over a site and want to migrate to another theme. You can clone the site (posts and pages) and even clean the html.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

This awesome Sumo gets it! 🙌 Our tool is a game-changer for web designers, especially when dealing with tricky situations like limited access or theme migrations.

Clone sites, clean up HTML, and work your magic with ease. ✨ Thanks for spreading the word and recognizing the value we bring to web design pros!

P.S. Any other web tool features you'd love to see? Let us know! 😉
