Q: Some questions
Hello. I have some questions about the program.
1. Can I decide exactly at a minute how long a session lasts?
2. If the customer books and then wants to reschedule, can I decide how many times they can do it with the same booking link and how far in advance?
3. If the customer wants to cancel the reservation, can I decide how long before he can do it?
4. Do I have to use google meet or can I put the link of my personal tool for video calls?
5. Can I use Stripe for payments?
6. If a customer during payment puts an invalid email (with an error) the payment continues or is blocked until he enters a correct email?
Thank you so much!
Mar 6, 2025A: Hello,
1. Yes, you can decide the duration of the session.
2. No, we don't control how many times rescheduling can be made.
3. No, we don't currently allow how long before cancellations can be made.
4. Yes, you can use custom link as booking destination.
5. No, we don't verify payment emails.
Thank you.