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Member since: Oct 2022Deals bought: 1
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Posted: Jun 13, 2023

Disappointed with Divjoy: Lack of Updates and Outdated NPM Packages

My experience with Divjoy left me feeling frustrated and dissatisfied. The platform, which claims to be a React codebase and UI generator, failed to meet my expectations on multiple fronts.

The most glaring issue is the lack of regular updates. Divjoy seems to have fallen behind in keeping their codebase up to date with the latest npm packages. This means that developers are stuck working with outdated versions, missing out on important performance improvements, security patches, and new features. It's disheartening to invest time and effort into a tool that doesn't prioritize staying current.

I sincerely hope that Divjoy takes these concerns seriously and takes swift action to address the issues at hand. By prioritizing regular updates, embracing current npm packages, and fulfilling their promises, Divjoy has the potential to regain the trust of its users and provide a more satisfying development experience.

Totally waste of money in 2023

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hey there, sorry for the lack of updates lately! Not super proud of how out of date things have gotten. I just finally got all our integrations up to date and added a new Tailwind template. Right now this is available via our private Github repo, but will be making their way into the main web app soon. The repo gives you a fully up-to-date codebase for your preferred stack and lets you see a clean diff of all the changes so you can update an existing project.. If you'd like access to the Github repo feel free to email and let me know your Github username. Sorry again! Hope to get things back to a place soon where you find Divjoy useful and worth of a recommendation.

All the best,
