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Member since: Nov 2020Deals bought: 255
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: May 20, 2024

not perfect, but helpful

he tool is available as plugin for chrome browser (including brave), as well as for firefox (again including derivates like librewolf). i tested it successful for both browsers on Debian Linux 12.

Selecting an element seems to be a bit trick, what works best for me is to tell it to copy the whole site to the clipboard and from there you can paste it in your favorite editor and if you like, delete or add what you want.

The copyng can turn the original html/css code into 4 different styles:
- html with inline css, html with external css, html with inlin tailwindcss and react javascript component (I have not tested the last option), mainly played with the good working tailwindcss variant. btw, the option to select the style is sometimes hidden and sometimes available, principle unknown

some elements are not copied, e.g. hidden fields in a form or the submenus from a bootstrap topdown menu, but usually, it is rather complete.

one thing i don't like is when you encounter tailwindcss pages and they use the prose class ´, that does lot of css automatically for you, the tailwindcss code you can export via DivMagic does not contain the prose class but all the many many single tailwindcss code needed to apply the style to every single element. Depending on your preferences, this might be exactly what you want. i guess the way it is done is due to the way how DivMagic works internaly (i guess they do not process the htm/css source but the dom). it would be nice to have prose expansion optional though.

it is a great timesaver and at this price, it is a no brainer.

Founder Team


May 24, 2024

Thank you for the review!

Your analysis is very accurate about the tool. Like you said, the tool doesn't process the HTML/CSS source, it processes the DOM, that's why some classes (like prose) can be missing in the output. We're working on this to improve Tailwind class coverage.

The hidden elements are not copied on purpose. The tool tries to create an exact replica of the website and if an element is not visible, then it doesn't get included in the output. We can make this an option if you think it'd be useful? So you'd be able to choose whether to include hidden elements or not?

We want the element selection to be easy and added key press assistance. After you choose an element, you can move around with Up/Down/Left/Right keys to navigate. If you think that is not good enough we can try to improve element selection.

Thanks again for the review and if you want us to add any features please email us and let us know!
