1. Is it correct my understanding that each subaccount get its own message inbox to which multiple persons/agents could connect to manually interact with their customers?
2. Does the inbox receive DMs from all FB, instagram and WA?
3. Is it possible to handover an interaction from AI agent to a person?
4. Is it possible to skip the AI agent and assign the interaction directly to a person/agents?
5. Are incoming messages free as long as no AI agent is used?
6. For WhatsApp, does the DMChamp credit covers the cost of WhatsApp message, or is it on top of it?
7. Is there any way or API that will allow automating the subaccount management? Like credit allocation, low credit balance notification per subaccount, etc.?
ba9607f2e640454697ddcd46b78aaa98PLUSEdited Mar 9, 2025
“the only thing that still has our branding is the Meta connector. Actually, this still has our old branding and we have never had someone make an issue out of it.”
My question, assuming I decide for Tier 4 (Agency): will my clients see (or have any way to know) I am using DM Champ for servicing them?
Q: hey guys i know you guys are tired of answering the same questions
i have a big client thatw ants to use us, is the whitelabel fully developed? are things ok? can i offer this to a client solution for 3-5 year contract?
A: Hi there, whitelabel is fully developed but there is always more to add. Atm works as following: You buy credits from us, you assign these to sub accounts, you will have to invoice users accordingly based on how many monthly credits you assign to them. - So yes you can offer this to clients long-term You get a custom domain, your own branding, the only thing that still has our branding is the...
Q: WhatsApp Flows
Is WhatsApp Flows supported?
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Q: Manual interactions
Assuming I decide for Tier 4 (Agency):
1. Is it correct my understanding that each subaccount get its own message inbox to which multiple persons/agents could connect to manually interact with their customers?
2. Does the inbox receive DMs from all FB, instagram and WA?
3. Is it possible to handover an interaction from AI agent to a person?
4. Is it possible to skip the AI agent and assign the interaction directly to a person/agents?
5. Are incoming messages free as long as no AI agent is used?
6. For WhatsApp, does the DMChamp credit covers the cost of WhatsApp message, or is it on top of it?
7. Is there any way or API that will allow automating the subaccount management? Like credit allocation, low credit balance notification per subaccount, etc.?
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Q: Branded Connector
You recently confirmed the following:
“the only thing that still has our branding is the Meta connector. Actually, this still has our old branding and we have never had someone make an issue out of it.”
My question, assuming I decide for Tier 4 (Agency): will my clients see (or have any way to know) I am using DM Champ for servicing them?
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Q: hey guys i know you guys are tired of answering the same questions
i have a big client thatw ants to use us, is the whitelabel fully developed?
are things ok? can i offer this to a client solution for 3-5 year contract?
Mar 9, 2025A: Hi there, whitelabel is fully developed but there is always more to add.
Atm works as following:
You buy credits from us, you assign these to sub accounts, you will have to invoice users accordingly based on how many monthly credits you assign to them. - So yes you can offer this to clients long-term
You get a custom domain, your own branding, the only thing that still has our branding is the...
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Q: How does DM Champ differ from Many Chat?
Mar 9, 2025A: We are AI first.
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