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Q: App links in SMS not recognised by Android

Hi Mat,
I recently asked a question on App Sumo about using the App for academic research. Thanks again for your guidance. While I agree that the usage I had in mind isn’t feasible, I’ve purchased the app and am using it differently. I've set up scheduled posts to send 4 times a day to my target group, and it’s working brilliantly.

The issue I’m facing is with SMS messages containing an App Link URL. It works fine on iOS but isn’t recognized by Android. I suspect typing the link as text may cause this. Rockstar SMS doesn’t recognize the URL as “properly formed.” Any suggestions to resolve this?


60d61694c042431ca5d861c823fcc19fSep 19, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 19, 2024

A: Thanks for the question. Please open a ticket at https://support.Easytextmarketing.app so we can help figure out what you mean. AppSumo guidelines don’t want the Q&A used for support.

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Posted: Sep 19, 2024

No problem - my apologies