No access ⛔
I purchased the product yesterday!
No access untill now!!!
They said contact support for none USA and Canada customer untill now no feedback

Nov 29, 2024Thanks for writing this, but it’s not accurate. First, we put our support link right here in AppSumo and we give a specific email address here in AppSumo for people to reach out to for support. My friend you sent an email to the wrong address which caused it to end up in spam. I personally replied to you this morning, letting you know that we would take care of you immediately if you would please open a helpdesk ticket and I gave you the link to do so. We love taking care of our customers and we especially love it when they actually give us the opportunity to do so, instead of ignoring all of the channels that we put out there for people to contact us at. If you’re not comfortable with us responding professionally, the way that we did, immediately the morning after the holiday, we would totally understand if you just refund your purchase. As upset as you are, I’m confident this would not have happened if you had reached out to us using the channels that we’ve shared in AppSumo my friend. God bless you and have an amazing day.