Q: Dynamic shortlinks?

I've seen currently it's not possible to make Dynamic Shortlinks . Is this on the Roadmap? I think for a good QR and Link tool its mandatory nowadays.
Thank you

torsten6PLUSSep 17, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 17, 2024

A: Hi, It’s a basic feature, and we already have it. Please see the screenshot: https://elkqr.link/dynamic-url-demo-link. The link I shared is an example of a dynamic URL. You can explore further by checking the demo and creating a trial account.

Best Regards,

ElkQR Team

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Posted: Sep 17, 2024

Yes but we can't create just an Dynamic short url without the QR code right?

Posted: Sep 18, 2024

You can create a dynamic QR code for a website URL and share the shortened URL, which is simple. There’s no need to use the QR code if you prefer not to. If you want, you can download the QR code. I hope this helps.

Best Regards,

ElkQR Team