Q: Version 2

Hi , im thinking to buy your app but when v2 will be available ? i rode that it was expected for the first semester but it seems delayed , any approximative date ?.
Do you have any preview about it to get an idea ?
you mentionned pets qr code what does it mans exactly ?
Qr code restaurant will be same like nordqr.com ?

kaidoPLUSSep 2, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 2, 2024

A: Hi, sorry for the delay with version 2. We are currently doing beta testing and will release it as soon as it's ready. We know the promised date has been delayed, and that's why we've been quietโ€”we didn't want to share another uncertain date. Let us finish our testing and other tasks; once everything is completed, we will release it. Regarding the pet QR code, it hasn't been finalized yet, so we can't provide any details right now. As for the menu QR code, currently, we only support PDF uploads for menus. However, in version 2, users will be able to dynamically update the menu content. I hope this clarifies things.

Best Regards,

ElkQR Team

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