Email Sequences

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Q: Want to know about 2500 Email Verification?

Hello, you mentioned that 2,500 Email Verification credits are included. Is it possible that I could use 2,500 Email verifications from my own list, but I don't want to run a campaign or set up any campaign? I meant to say that I don't want to add email sequences First.  First, I want to clean my list, then I will run the campaign. Is it possible?

mstnishatEdited Sep 17, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 17, 2024

A: Hi there! The included Email Verification credits are part of the List Cleaner tool. You can upload your list to a campaign and use the List Cleaner function to clean your list. You do not have to run the campaign immediately - you could leave the campaign as a draft. You can also export a status report of the list cleaning results.

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