Email Sequences

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Member since: Oct 2022Deals bought: 29
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5 stars
Posted: Aug 22, 2024


As a long time user of Voila Norbert email services it was great to hear they'd launched Sequences. Having now kicked the tyres on it, here is my update. Despite being new, it is very stable ( which is great for us long time AppSumo'ers!) and very intuitive. Easy to set up an email sequence. The AI does a great job of instantly creating a B sequence - so A/B testing is push buttom! And, of course, email verification is integrated. There's an email account warmup service which is great fun to use and highly effective. Finally, the email campaigns can be rotated amongst multiple email accounts - significantly reducing the risk of accounts being banned during cold campaigns. Great value. I don't think it will be on AppSumo for long!

Founder Team


Aug 22, 2024

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