Email Sequences

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Member since: Nov 2022Deals bought: 18
3 stars
3 stars
Posted: Aug 31, 2024

Still have not been able to sent one email to my prospects

After 16 days of trying VN I have not yet been able to sent one email to my prospects.
Support stopped responding to my emails, and I am starting to think that this is not the right tool for me.
On the flip side, if the tool would do what the functions in the frontend indicate that it is capable of doing, this might very well be the best email marketing tool on the market today.
The automated AB testing, email generation and sending from aliases is very interesting. So hopefully the bugs preventing us to send emails get fixed soon.

Founder Team


Sep 3, 2024

Hi Brian, I'm really sorry to hear you're not happy with Voila Norbert sequences, and I want to personally apologize for the delay in getting back to you. You shouldn't be running into this problem and we want to work with you to get this resolved. I'm checking with our engineering team to see why there's a delay in investigating this issue for you. I'm working with the team, and I've escalated this as well. I'll be in touch with you via email.
