My review after using this tool:
I bought a high-tier plan here, but don't be fooled by this product. They advertise unlimited campaigns and a large email credit for sending mailers, but they fail to mention that you are automatically limited to sending only 1,000 mailers per hour, even with the highest tier. This unlisted limit (On Appsumo) is evident on their platform, and there's an additional paywall if you want to increase this sending limit. Imagine having the highest tier with a database of 300,000 to 500,000 customers for multiple clients in your agency and needing to send a newsletter or promote eCommerce sales for your client websites. You can't because you're restricted to emailing only 1,000 customers per hour. This product is a complete joke, and you should be aware of these limitations, which make it mostly unusable unless you're willing to pay extra.
Moreover, this email platform is very basic for campaigns. You can only create one campaign at a time and send it to a selected audience. Excluding Webhooks, there are no automations or workflows templates available. If you expect to have a welcome series, transactional emails, or abandoned cart mailers like Mailchimp, forget about it; those features don’t exist. I also purchased their other tool, Dragit bad too. The owners encourage users to report bugs or request features in their Discord channel. However, after a year of using their tools and submitting requests, nothing has been implemented from my suggestions. They did add the 1,000 mailer sending limit without informing or consulting customers. When I bought this tool, there was no such limit, and it seems they impose changes arbitrarily without customer consent. This is not what I paid for or signed up for; nothing about it was mentioned on AppSumo. I won't even mention the numerous bugs on this platform; it's not a finished product. My advice is to stay away from this company and its products. You will waste your time waiting around and money just like I did, and remember, the customer comes last, not first, for this company. P.s this tool ranks as the worst product I have ever bought on Appsumo.
-I have used your tools for a year, including Dragit, which btw I purchased almost two years ago in May 2024.
- “We have a rate limit of 1000/h for all new customers.” Maybe that’s for new customers who joined recently, but when I bought Emailit at its launch, this 1000 mailers per hour limit did not exist. It feels unfair for your company to impose that now. This limitation was not included in the Appsumo deal, nor was it communicated to us. The truth is, customers have been blindsided by another paywall. Logging in clearly states that you need to top up, at $2 per 10,000 credits. Please be honest with people instead of misleading them.
-Whatever the improvements are I haven’t seen them in both your tools, while bugs I saw month ago are still there even after reporting in your discord

Edited Feb 28, 2025Hi there,
Thank you for your feedback.
We have a rate limit of 1000/h for all new customers to prevent spam. We increase the rate limit as needed for each customer based on their sending stats. We do not want to randomly let anyone start sending 500,000 emails that will instantly end up in spam and get the sending domain blocked. We work closely with each customer to align with their needs -- there is no upper limit. This is listed on each new workspace, and it says so even on the free version.
Emailit was launched 6 months ago, so it is not possible for you to be using it for a year. Since then, we have implemented and improved the platform enormously, as seen on our discord. (We released hundreds of customer-requested features.). Here:
We take all feedback very seriously, and based on it, we have scheduled more than 500 improvements for later this year. However, this does not mean we will do and make everything anyone tells us to.
I am sorry for your experience with Emailit, and hope you find an alternative product that fits your needs.
---- Detailed information ----
There is no limit on how many campaigns you can create; you can create as many campaigns at a time as you wish based on your Tier limit.
We do provide hundreds of email templates, you can browse them here:
We do not have Automation at this time. However, we are slowly preparing to release Sequences within the following months.
The rate limit has been in place since launch, and we have not changed it. Our goal is not to rate limit new customers but to prevent spam and abuse; we need to have automatic system monitoring, which we are already working on.
There is no additional paywall for any customers. It has also been mentioned on our pricing page since the very beginning:
I understand that you are using our different product (Dragit) for over two years, but here you are reviewing Emailit.
You again mention “bugs has not been fixed”, without providing any bugs. As your personal feature requests are not bugs.
And the rate limit is there since beggining, we did no changes, this is active for all new customers from the day we lauched Emailit, so please stop misleading everyone.
You can clearly see that there is a rate limit on the pricing page FAQ (this has not changed since launch), and you can also ask our thousands of customers on discord to confirm that.
Also, if you still have 1000/h rate limit, it just means that you did not even start using Emailit properly, as most customers have been almost instantly increased to 2500/h (or more) just by sending their first 10000 emails. (If they follow our ToS)