Not able to Handle heavy load. Shows Internal Server Error
We tried uploading contacts in EmailiIT and that too less than 10K. After so much trying it says Internal Server Error. Looks like application is not ready to handle heavy traffic.
Plus there is no export option for email sending reports. I am Tier 5 and application is not meeting my expectations.
Also there is no support ticket system and not a basic Live Chat support which product company has to help their customers.

Feb 8, 2025Hi there,
Thank you for your feedback. The import can handle up to 10k plain emails; if more data is provided, it will not work, as it does not support large files - we recommend uploading around 2500 contacts at a time.
We are also working on a new import that should be available Q3 2025.
Our support is provided primarily on our discord usually almost instantly. Or on our email where reply under 24h.
Feel free to join in and give your feedback there :-)