Q: custom domain/embedding?

Hello, I just wanted to confirm, but it sounds like custom domain is limited to just 1 cname per account? Not per form?

Secondary question, is it possible to embed the form into an existing webpage and is there a limitation of which code plan allows embedding? (assuming embedding may be on your roadmap).

93099fb274064911bac2e1808a5f2a0fSep 3, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 3, 2024

A: Hello!

This is correct, the custom domain is limited by just one cname per account. I would love to understand your use case! Feel free to issue a request with some background if you don't mind: https://emailpref.featurebase.app/

For embedding this is currently being worked on in our roadmap, I'll make sure to inform you the moment we have it available :)

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Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Sep 3, 2024

I have a company with multiple brands. Either each brand should use it's own cname or I need to be able to embed it on each domains website.

Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Sep 3, 2024

You will be able to embed it to each website no problem on the same account. About the cname, got it! that makes a lot of sense. We will get that in the roadmap!

Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Sep 4, 2024

On the feedback page, the commentor said embedding would be only for Tier 5 appsumo. That is much too high for the feature, I would have to pass on the deal. I was expecting Tier 3 would get embedding which I think is fair.

Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Sep 4, 2024


We haven't yet decided on which tier we will be offering the form embed feature. But it will not be greater than Tier3