Enquire PRO

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Q: Got solutions vs. spam?

Good day!
I think looks so cool, and different from being just a community platform, am I right?

Experts and collaborative platforms tend to get spammy in the future (like Quora, Medium, Facebook groups).
(Considering I am still unsure if I understood the platform correctly)

Do you have solutions for those situations?
(I think Stack Exchange is doing good on that front)
-Spam reporting
-Spam voting (We don't just boot someone out, we check if the community/ies agree/s)
-Voters need to have good reputations too. (Avoid voting bots or extra spam accounts).
-Helpful spam vs. annoying/unwelcome spam.

Thank you!

ShadounessPLUSAug 31, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 3, 2024

A: Great questions - and we have ways of filtering our expertise on several levels.

First, we actively recruit top experts in different fields and locations, to keep a diversity of thought and quality of responses.

Second, we pay those Experts for their engagements. This keeps our incentives for high quality responses aligned with theirs, and rewards those who answer quickly and well.

Thirdly, we screen the responses as they come in, to ensure that answers are not AI-generated. The strength of our platform isn't necessarily the facts and research, but rather an interpretation or first-hand experience in implementing something. For example, Enquire Experts may be able to give you 5 SaaS solutions to increase your business, but you'd be better off asking about their experience with one vs. another, or what they might recommend based on their experience.

Fourth, we rate the responses and value of the content. If someone consistently answers quickly and with quality, they get more opportunities. There is an internal rating for each Expert, both to pair them with the most relevant questions and also to give our clients and PRO users the best available resources on the platform.

So to answer your question, we do our own spam filtering, so those answers never make it through to the client. All of our questions are answered in a closed circuit, so only the person asking the question, our team, and the person answering the question can see their answer. If something spammy slips through the cracks of our filters, you can also escalate that for our team, and we can re-open the inquiry for additional responses, if necessary. Hope that helps!

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