I took an interest to this product and checked out your website. With great surprise was served an ad (Google Ads) on the top of the page! I have never seen this in a business website. With this I am worried about the finances of the company. Are you so desperate to generate income that you serve ads to your paying customers?
Q: Can the website/s made on EpicPxls transferred or connected to Shopify or is this completely separate?
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Q: Does this deal include access to all the Softwares on EpicPXLS?
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Q: Ads on website
I took an interest to this product and checked out your website. With great surprise was served an ad (Google Ads) on the top of the page! I have never seen this in a business website. With this I am worried about the finances of the company. Are you so desperate to generate income that you serve ads to your paying customers?
Nov 13, 2024A: Paying customers do not see ads.
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Q: Commercial Rights
Can i use it for my clients projects do i get commercial rights to use it for my and my clients business
Oct 31, 2024A: Yes
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Yes you can.
Q: Will you ever have a landing page ai generator, I dont see it.
If you did, I would get 10 codes ASAP.
May 16, 2024A: We got really close to having one but the main problem was integrating existing products into it. That took a lot of time and set us back.
We are still exploring solutions
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