Q: Hi, we've been experiencing issues with the product.

TAlohaPLUSAug 14, 2024
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Verified purchaser

Posted: Aug 14, 2024

We sent a ticket about it last week, but didn't get a response. Most of the issues we encountered were occurring from an editor's account. They are listed below:

Unable to save Brand Secondary Colors. My changes are not being saved.
Unable to change the template. All my changes are not being saved.
Unable to save any content under the Brand content tab. No changes are being saved.
Unable to save

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Verified purchaser

Posted: Aug 14, 2024

Correction on the last part, *Unable to save Brand Links

Posted: Aug 14, 2024

Hey TAloha,

Can you please send an email to team@yourethos.io with a screen recording or screenshots of what you're entering and what's not saving? We can then see if any of the added content has any errors that would affect the Brand Showroom from saving. Please share your admin user email and the account that wants to edit the Brand Showroom too.



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Verified purchaser

Posted: Aug 14, 2024

We also cannot edit brand showrooms that were created by an editor. They are not visible under "My Brand Showrooms" and only shows up on "My Profile" which does not give us the option to edit.