Q: Questions about the Ethos product
Hello Ethos team,
I really like your product and am considering purchasing Tier 4, but I have a few questions:
1.- What CMS are you using? If it’s WordPress, can I customize it with code?
2.- I noticed that some sections only allow images. Is it possible to add both text and images to those sections?
3.- Can I customize existing templates or create new templates from scratch?
4.- When giving a client access to review their showroom or brand, do they need to log in? If so, does your branding appear, or would it show my own branding?
I would greatly appreciate it if you could answer these questions. I hope to make a decision soon.
Thank you in advance for your attention.

Feb 11, 2025A: Hey Tony,
These are all great questions. I missed your question, so I'm sorry for getting back to you just now. We are using Wordpress, PHP, AWS and Cloudways for our main stack. We do support HTML within our text fields, and we're adding a WYSIWYG editor for more visual customizations with CSS. You can customize one of our four template now and duplicate it as your own. When inviting clients they can be given access to your public Brand Showroom or invited as a viewer or editor to your private Brand Showroom. Only Brand Showroom are white-labeled and the Ethos platform has Ethos branding. If you have anymore questions you can email us at team@yourethos.io.