Facebook & Instagram Ad Domination

Product details

Q: What's in the Course?

Hi. How many modules/ lessons? Names of the lessons? How many hours total? What kind of audience is this geared for (beginner, intermediate, etc.)

e5979c82f6db4d7aa9f518c181302e36Nov 26, 2024
Founder Team


Mar 2, 2025

A: This is the course - https://jackpaxton.com/course/facebook-Instagram-ad-accelerator

1. Beginner Facebook & Instagram Ads
Setting Up Your FB Account Properly
The Facebook Pixel
Facebook Audiences Explained
Facebook Audiences Demo
Facebook FAQ's
Bottom Of The Funnel
Campaign Set Up
Campaign Set Up FAQs

2. Advanced Facebook & Instagram Ads
Building The Top Of Funnel
Dark Posting
Targeting & Finding Interests
Using Data To Scale
Optimizing BOF
Optimizing TOF
Optimizing TOF FAQs

3. Extras
Course Recap
Ad Recap
The Full Marketing Picture
The Set Up Checklist
Ad Creation Checklist
Campaign Launch Checklist

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Thank you. How many hours total? What kind of audience is this geared for (beginner, intermediate, etc.)? Is it up to date - with the latest info on FB ad algorithms?

Posted: Mar 3, 2025

Hi there, I would say beginner to intermediate would be best served and it's about 2.5 hours of the course, then a bunch of extra trainings, webinar recordings etc which are a few hours but you can just skip to the parts you like in those. The extra sections and recordings help the content stay up to date as the main course content is the fundamentals and core concepts of how to run great ads.