Q: Very interesting
Two thing.
Do you consider (or already did) add telegram? I dont use whatsapp.
Second thing could fasttrackr trigger webhooks i designed (for example with actievepieces or boost.space)?
Best regards
Nov 8, 2024A: Hi MarianZ,
Thank you for reaching out and for your thoughtful questions!
Regarding Telegram, yes, we’re actively testing it, and we’re excited to share that it’s likely to go live next week. We’ll keep you updated!
As for webhook triggers, we’d love to understand more about your use case. Could you share a bit more about what you’re aiming to achieve? Feel free to email us directly at support@fasttrackr.ai so we can dive deeper into how we might support this.
about telegram, awesome! I wanna have an digital assistant. so for example i could say to my assistant. please send X an invoice for the course y. then he would triggers a webhook. this webhook does create an invoice (with the datas) and also send him an email.
or if i someone wants a cancelation: "make a cancelation for x" he would look up the name x in a crm and trigger another webhook.

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Any updates on Telegram?