Q: I guess that from these questions, many will reach out to you:

1. Why does Fineguide assume that a two (2) page PDF (with normal font size) is 13 pages (context pages), while a one (1) page PDF is considered 16 pages (context pages)? Why? I don't get it.
2. Is it possible to integrate any or all of the following options from the beginning?
- Allow users to enter their email and authenticate using an OTP code?
- If OTP isn’t feasible, could you allow users to input their name and email when starting the chat?
- Implement a password for the chatbot?

AlluMeecPLUSSep 15, 2024
Founder Team


Edited Sep 16, 2024

A: 1. Context Pages - The system counts data volume in characters, to simplify the calculations we use pages, which are on average equals to 1800 characters. It depends on the characters density in the PDF. A second factor is the context parsing algorithms - the usual method which splits a context by chunks should not consume more characters. In contrary to the paragraph parsing which construct a graph-like structure. I suggest contacting us at support@fineguide.ai so we can investigate the issue. I'm not excluding the possibility of a bug

2. Currently we don't have any of the options, we could consider implementing them as new features. You can contribute to the list of features in our community platform. We use it to understand how to prioritise the upcoming features.

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