Q: Interested in your tool

Hi would you consider dropping your price? I am interested in tier two but find it pricey for just 15 bots.

WonkaPLUSSep 19, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 19, 2024

A: Thank you for considering our product! Our pricing for AI models is based on consumption, and we offer a fantastic lifetime deal. This deal allows you to make a one-time payment that's equivalent to what you'd typically spend in just one or two months. Plus, our offer provides at least five times more credits and higher context limits compared to our competitors. We are committed to quality and precision, and we understand the pricing may seem high, but considering access all industries top LLMs (OpenAi, Claude, Gemini), the consumption model, and the quality, this offer is unparalleled in the market. We've conducted thorough research to ensure we provide the best value for your investment.

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Posted: Sep 20, 2024

Some other similar chatbots on AppSumo are actually cheaper. Some even offer higher limits and options for unlimited assistants. Yours is on expensive side.