Q: If I have a PDF and no website, can you create a subdomain?
I intend to send this to people in an email via a link or give it to them in person via a QR code, without a domain of my own. Is this something you can do?
kevin9640Feb 19, 2025
Founder Team

Feb 21, 2025A: Hi kevin9640,
Thanks for your question. I'm afraid we cannot setup a subdomain on your behalf. You can of course share the link without setting up a custom domain but it will have flipbooklets in the URL. You can purchase just a domain and set that up without the need for a website if that would work for you?
I hope that helps clear it up. Please do not hesitate to contact support@flipbooklets.com if you'd like to have a more in depth chat about how this works?
Many thanks
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