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Member since: Jun 2022Deals bought: 180
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Aug 29, 2024

Great so far!

As a new customer, I have already found immense value in the extensive customization options, white-label feature, and lead capture capability. The immersive flipbook experience adds a unique touch to my content for clients. I can say that my experience with FlipLink has been amazing so far. I have no current suggestions for improvement as the platform already meets all my needs. FlipLink truly sets a new standard in document interaction.

Founder Team


Sep 2, 2024

Hello Courtney,

Thank you for your review here.

We are coming up with improvements, and major one is video addition + logs of each fliplink view ; so you can see what was done by a user on every view. That will be beyond analytics.

Stay tuned.

Thank you for our early support.

Sumit :)
