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Member since: Dec 2021Deals bought: 19
3 stars
3 stars
Posted: Sep 18, 2024

Has potential but not yet there

I've tried using the product for almost 2 months with my team. My main use cases are more on the analytical end: to understand how my social media strategy and content performs.

Unfortunately there are very limited features related to this: there is no insight on IG Story, very limited details on engagement insight per content, no function to export report for deeper analysis, and so on.

It might have the function for content creation, but not much to look for Bahasa language.

I feel there is potential to the platform, but really not yet there. From my engagement with customer service and observing how the platform developed in these 2 months (if any), I don't think the features I need will be provided in near future.

I'm requesting refund for now.

Founder Team


Sep 18, 2024

Thank you for this review and we're working to make the app even better.
