Q: Drip Content ?

I was about to purchase the highest tier plan and thought of going through the questions.

It’s surprising as well as disappointing that a basic feature like drip content is not included.

Would you consider including it atleast in the highest tier plan as this is something very basic and most coaches need it.

Again this is not a demand but more of feature upgrade that I am requesting.

manish55Sep 17, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 17, 2024

A: Hey manish55, thank you for your question.

The Drip content feature is not included in any of the lifetime deals, but only the Scale plan. The highest plan sold as a lifetime deal is the Start 3 plan, which is just an extension of Start 1, with lower sales commission fees, it does not include any extra features.

Feel free to reach out through the live chat on our website if you have any other questions.

/Adrian at Forento

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