Q: Super Excited But...
I purchased almost the full stack. I started creating the course and that's when the issues started to begin. Could you please provide feedback on these issues?
1. There is no way to search the community posts. The posts are in order of new to old, so how are members able to find older posts without scrolling through pages of previous posts?
2. Members actually have to go through each section of a course before they can reach the next section. The way my course works is you are able to jump from one section to another depending on your interest, however this is impossible with Forento. Members are forced to complete each section.
3. When filling in details and signing up as a member of the course, the member is taken to a link that is a blank page with a spinning "in progress" icon, this also happens when trying to send messages.

Mar 7, 2025A: Hey FredWhite, thank you for your questions.
I appreciate your feedback and want to help get these issues sorted out for you.
Community Post Search: We’re actually working on adding a search feature for the community right now, and it should be available as early as later today. This will make it much easier for members to find older posts without endless scrolling.
Course Navigation: You’re absolutely right; Forento currently follows a structured learning path where students move through chapters in order. However, I’ve added a feature request for an optional setting that would allow students to freely jump between sections. That way, courses like yours—where flexibility is key—can work the way you intended.
Sign-Up Page Issue: That definitely sounds unusual. We haven’t had similar reports, so it may have been a temporary issue or something specific to your setup. Could you share a screenshot or screen recording in case this occurs again? That would help us diagnose the problem and get it fixed as quickly as possible.
Feel free to reach out through the live chat on our website if you have any other questions or concerns, we're happy to help!
/Adrian at Forento