Q: Why commissions?

Why do you charge such high commissions? Or better, why do you charge commissions? There are other products similar to yours here on AppSumo that don’t charge any fees (especially so high!). What features of your product justify such high fees? Thank you?

109921493486473602993PLUSSep 16, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 17, 2024

A: Hey, thank you for your question.

The sales commission rate is not applied for a single feature, or section for Forento -- but rather to create a sustainable lifetime deal.

We see most other course creator software limiting course content, the number of products, and in some cases even the number of members/students. We don't want to limit the creators on Forento in any way but instead empower them. We believe having a transactional fee of 2-10% is a better option than limiting usage.

Creators on Forento who have a lifetime deal can remove the sales commission rate by getting the Zero Commission Addon. The add-on is $19-$29/month depending on what tier you're on, and removes the fee completely.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

/Adrian at Forento

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