Forento Reviews


4.86 stars
4.86 stars

Taco ratings


Forento is praised for its user-friendly interface, comprehensive features, and responsive customer support. The platform's ease of use, all-in-one functionality, and quick support responses are the top positives. Some users have noted minor drawbacks such as limited customization options and occasional delays in customer support. Overall, with an impressive 4.8 rating and positive customer feedback, Forento is a solid buy for those in need of a course or membership platform. With a 60-day money-back guarantee, it's worth giving it a try.

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Showing 1 - 20 of 77 reviews
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Member since: Dec 2022Deals bought: 65
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Sep 16, 2024


Great support!

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Verified purchaser

Member since: Aug 2024Deals bought: 3
3 stars
3 stars
Posted: Sep 5, 2024

Was looking for that all-in-one

I had purchased this program thinking the three codes would provide all three features of course creation, community building, and funnel creation. But that's not the case unless you switch plans. The three codes is only equivalent to Forento Basic 2 plan, which does not include website or funnel creation. It only includes course creation and community building + there is a 5% commission obligation on any courses sold. I really wanted this to work, but have found another solution that meets our needs. Glad to have been able to test it out though. It has great user interface! :)

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Verified purchaser

Member since: Oct 2020Deals bought: 257
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Sep 1, 2024

Una plataforma sòlida i amb moltes possibilitats


Forento és un LMS senzill però molt complet.
Si tens qualsevol producte digital que vols vendre (cursos, arxius, assessoria...) és una plataforma increïble per a tenir el control de tot plegat d'una manera senzilla i intuïtiva.
El millor de tot (per a mi)? Que té el hosting dels vídeos dels cursos i els manté a 1080p. Altres LMS són molt restrictives amb el tamany de l'arxiu (Acadle no deixa més de 500mb) o en fa una compressió molt gran (Onlinecoursehost). Només per això, Forento és la meva preferida!! ⭐
Endavant, equip.


Forento is a simple yet very comprehensive LMS.
If you have any digital product you want to sell (courses, files, consultancy...), it is an incredible platform to have control over everything in a simple and intuitive way.
The best part (for me)? It hosts the videos of the courses and keeps them at 1080p. Other LMS platforms are very restrictive with file size (Acadle doesn't allow more than 500MB) or apply heavy compression (Onlinecoursehost). Just for this reason, Forento is my favorite!! ⭐
Keep it up, team.

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Verified purchaser

Member since: Aug 2024Deals bought: 2
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Aug 28, 2024

Very good product

I got the forento and it is easy to execute for courses, ebooks etc. Thank you. Would like payment plans on the stripe.

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Verified purchaser

Member since: Jan 2023Deals bought: 19
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Aug 23, 2024


It's not perfect but I'm hopeful it will get better. So much so that I purchased another tier and upgraded. I'm not thrilled that it takes the team 2-3 days to answer my questions but they do. Adrian has been very helpful. I look forward to downloadable handouts for the students to get when they answer quizzes, the ability to have more control over the memberships assigned to my existing users. progress, not perfection. It can only get better right?! More power to the team!

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