
    One-time payment. Lifetime deal.

    Increase your outbound conversion rate with a powerful ABM landing page builder

    It’s tough to personalize your outreach when you’re dealing with hundreds of leads. (“Hello, Excel Row #674. Have you heard about...”)

    To stand out in an overcrowded inbox, you need to figure out how to personalize every single email without overwhelming your team’s workflow.

    Good thing there’s a platform that lets you build customized lead pages to make all your prospects feel more special and more likely to convert.

    Meet GenPage.


    too long didn't read
    Create personalized landing pages for thousands of leads in minutes
    Export your lead lists to your favorite outreach platforms



    GenPage is a personalized landing page builder that helps you supercharge conversions for every cold email lead.

    Easily build landing pages

    With GenPage, you can build unique landing pages to make your cold outreach campaigns stand out.

    • Create your own landing page templates for your cold outreach campaigns
    • Build custom web pages in minutes with an intuitive, user-friendly builder
    • Use a variety of pre-made blocks to add media, images, logos, columns, and more

    Page builder

    Create your own landing page templates for all your cold outreach campaigns.

    Personalize your outreach

    In just a few clicks, you can make each landing page feel tailored to each prospect to help you close more deals.

    • Import leads via CSV or enter them manually to create pages at scale
    • Create custom variables to autofill any information about your prospect
    • Add a custom Loom video and a call to action like a booking link


    Import lead lists and create hundreds of personalized pages in minutes.

    Manage all your leads in one place

    Best of all, GenPage lets you organize all of your imported leads across all your campaigns in one place.

    • Preview any lead page with a single click to confirm everything is accurate
    • Generate a unique URL for each lead to send in your campaign
    • Export all your leads to use in your favorite outreach apps

    Lead exportation

    Export your leads and custom landing page URLs to any outreach platform.

    Make the app yours

    And thanks to the white labeling support, it’s easy to customize GenPage to appear like an in-house tool with your own branding.

    • Connect your own domain so the landing pages look like they’re on your website
    • Invite members from your team to collaborate and scale your outreach together

    Whitelabel support

    Make GenPage your own with support for domain white labeling.

    When emails can’t capture the value of your services, use GenPage to create custom landing pages with enough real estate to convert your prospects.

    Enhanced your outreach strategy.

    Get lifetime access to GenPage today!

    From the founders

    Company product and FAQs

    When was your company founded & where is it located?

    GenPage was founded in 2023 in Birmingham, UK and is part of a portfolio of companies owned by the founders (Zaap, FlowJam, Hyper). Our fully remote team has since expanded to multiple corners of the world, including the UK, Canada, United States, and South Korea!

    What are past projects, failures, or successes you’ve had in your career?

    All of our co-founders have a deep background in B2B SaaS sales & marketing!

    Adam & Joseph are the co-founders of Zaap, a link-in-bio tool that launched on Appsumo earlier last year, and Sam is the ex-Head of Growth at Adriel, a tool that also launched on Appsumo back in 2021.

    We're also behind Hyper, a B2B SaaS lead generation agency.

    We've experienced all the issues that we're addressing with GenPage firsthand, and thought we needed to build tools to help us stand out from crowded inboxes for our own campaigns.

    GenPage was a tool we built internally first, and, when seeing the results we were having with it, we decided that it would be worth making the software public, because the world would be a better place if sales felt more personalized and less generic.

    What is your team size?

    We're a happy (and purposefully lean) team of 7 at the moment! Here's who we are and what we do 😁

    Co Founder 1: Adam - UI/UX & Product Management

    Co Founder 2: Joseph - Growth Hacking

    Co Founder 3: Sam - Sales & Marketing

    CTO: Shery

    Full Stack Dev: Bassam

    Full Stack Dev 2: Push

    Support: Aaron

    Are you funded or bootstrapped?

    Bootstrapped and profitable, with no end of runway in sight 🚀

    What’s the origin of the idea for your product?

    All our founders have deep roots in the B2B sales industry, with years of experience in growth hacking and business development.

    We're constantly on the hunt for new ways to improve lead generation, whether through email, LinkedIn, PPC, or SEO.

    In recent years, we noticed a creeping increase in acquisition costs coming from paid ads and therefore went back to the drawing board to create better, high-performance, cost-efficient acquisition campaigns.

    We knew that outreach via Email & LinkedIn was a fantastic acquisition channel, but there was simply an incredible amount of competition. We needed a tool that would help us stand out from our prospects' inboxes and make our outreach more personalized, so we created GenPage.

    What problem is your product solving and how?

    In 2024, outbound email competition is tougher than ever, with conversion rates down over 50% since the mid-2010s.

    Sales teams are stuck using generic, mass outreach that doesn’t work anymore.

    GenPage changes the game by letting you create personalized landing pages with AI, helping you stand out, boost conversions, shorten sales cycles, and get a higher ROI!

    What’s the #1 thing you’re looking to gain from the AppSumo campaign?

    We strongly believe that most people are tired of receiving the same "quick question" emails 10x per day from 10 different companies.

    Our goal is to change the status quo about how outreach is performed, and infuse more ABM (account based marketing) elements and personalization into sales development strategies.

    Our hope from this AppSumo launch is to receive as much feedback as possible to improve our tool and create a product that helps us achieve our goal.

    Of course, the funding received from the campaign is always a great support!

    What are your plans with the customers, cash, and learnings from the AppSumo campaign?

    Establish a new era of sales prospecting that feels more personalized, less intrusive, and empower SDRs around the world to have a suite of tool at their fingertips to convert better.

    Any details to clarify about the deal?

    Although our UI is in English only for now, the app supports every single language :)

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