Q: AI features

Is it possible (now or in the future), to create actual copy of the landing page for a prospect using AI?

As far as I understand now, we simply use dynamic variables to replace name, industry, website, etc. something that dozens and dozens of tools do already in one way or another.

What would make this tool interesting if AI can create actual copy tailored to the prospect and input into the landing page, are you working on this?


a72dee339f574ec7b4ce06b4a6b8afffPLUSAug 30, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 2, 2024

A: Hello there, and thank you for your very relevant question.

This is something we are working on as we speak. More specifically, we are building features that would allow users to input prospect's LinkedIn profile (and more) which GenPage would crawl to create AI-based personalization tokens on the pages such as ice-breakers.

This is high-up on our roadmap priority and we are hoping to bring it to you guys by the end of the year.



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Posted: Sep 2, 2024

Hmmm while this sounds interesting it seems the current value and utility is relatively low... placing {{name}} or {{company}} on a landing page (are there any more variables?) is hardly going to drive a big bump in conversions... similar tools have been around since 2016/17