Q: Template customisation / Auto generated landing pages

Hi Sam,

I see the concept here and what you doing. I feel as, others have mentioned, the real value is the auto generation of a landing page and landing page url via lead details synced INTO Genpage from anotther tool (or webhook/Zapier).

i.e Ideally
Details into GenPage(name/company/company website url for logo/email) > GenPage creates the page > GenPage emails the client or passes back to another tool to email landing page url.

You can change details on templates in other web builders, but ideally your tool could use Ai to do this 'on the fly'.

1)Are there definite plans for auto Ai generated pages by the end of 2024?
2)Any plans for intergrations (webhook/Zapier/Brevo) to pass leads INTO Genpage?
3)Editing the template
a)Can the template by expanding with more divs?
b)Can the 'Book link' by changed?


Matt_S_HSep 9, 2024
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