GhostVolt Solo

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Member since: May 2015Deals bought: 360
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Sep 17, 2022

Ghost Volt is really really good!

I'm really into security and have used all of the main free and paid encryption software. I must say that Ghost Volt is really good. The main thing to remember is that it doesn't encrypt the files individually, it creates an encrypted container on your drive that you can access from a file explorer similar to Windows file explorer. You can also set 2FA and encrypt some cloud drives. This is a much lower learning curve than most encryption softwares but is still using the AES standard which should be good enough for most people... it's good enough for banks.

Don't think you need encryption? Here are some things that you should encrypt:
Cryptocurrency cold storage keys
Other encryption keys
financial data like tax returns or bank account info
legal documents
Stock market information
Political writings
Identity Documentation
Nude pictures of your lovers
Private Daily Logs
The list goes on and on

The ui is clean and modern. I've found no bugs and you can back the container and contents.

This is a highly recommended tool at a really good price!

Founder Team


May 16, 2024

Thanks for the review.
