GhostVolt Solo

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Member since: May 2024Deals bought: 4
3 stars
3 stars
Posted: Jun 8, 2024

good but not enough

good software, but for security, deleting cache or disk cleaning amd soon are needed. plz support some device cleaning.

Founder Team


Jun 9, 2024

Thanks for the review.

Deleting the Windows cache does not remove all traces of files or activities from a hard disk. While it clears temporary files, deleted file traces remain until overwritten. File system metadata, shadow copies, the pagefile, and hibernation files can all retain data traces.

Forensic tools can recover deleted files by analyzing raw disk sectors and metadata. Secure deletion involves overwriting data multiple times or encrypting it before deletion to prevent recovery. Thus, thorough data removal requires more than just clearing the cache.

This is one of the powerful aspects of GhostVolt. When adding files to GhostVolt, all non-encrypted copies are thoroughly deleted using industry-standard wiping algorithms. This also includes opening, editing, sharing, and all other operations which require your files to be decrypted. Put simply, your GhostVolt files are always protected and do not leak plaintext data.

