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Verified purchaser

Member since: Aug 2023Deals bought: 46
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Feb 4, 2025

The deeper I delve into the possibilities of GoBrunch, the more enthusiastic I am.

Fantastic! It's much more like another "online meeting platform" like "Zoom". It's a community with founders who let everyone share their experiences and potential uses. In the various case study videos or live in the weekly online meetings. There is a very pleasant spirit of optimism among everyone involved. New existences are born here! The opportunities offered by this platform are so incredibly diverse... from the "simple" 3D meeting room with open fire and background music & video screen... or a meeting on the beach - or in the rainforest - to e.g. an online course school with various course rooms to show videos or hold live meetings or 1:1 coaching. From a 24/7 CoWorkingSpace to a concert hall with I mean 600 seats, everything is possible... That's real innovation! I would like to make it clear that I am actually so enthusiastic - and not being paid for it... I bought Tier 2 and am still considering upgrading to Tier 3... It's worth it!
Arwed Grön from Germany - GRÖN INTERNET EXPERIENCE,

Founder Team


Feb 5, 2025

I'm really grateful for your review, groenie. Having you as part of the community is an honor and a privilege. Cheers.
