Google Maps Scraper

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Member since: Mar 2024Deals bought: 1
1 stars
1 stars
Posted: Jul 26, 2024


Outscraper is a complete rip-off! Their support team is utterly worthless. When I confronted them about their scam tactics designed to trick customers into overpaying, they had the audacity to tell me to just stop using their service and deal with it. The supposed "5000 businesses" is actually a measly $30 credit/monthly in your account.

Their sneaky scheme allows you to exceed this $30 credit and when you do, they force you to pay for the extra services used, without any warning that you're nearing your limit. Every single time you go over, you have to cough up the outstanding balance to keep using their service the next month. For instance, if you exceed by $10, you're stuck paying that $10 before you can use it again. Otherwise, they block you completely. I demanded the owner implement a warning or block when the credit is nearly depleted. His response? He literally told me to stop using their service.

The reason you'll inevitably surpass their limit is due to their unpredictable system. Each time you perform a search, they display an "ESTIMATED" credit usage, which means you might end up being charged less or, infuriatingly, more than the estimated amount. You have absolutely no control in this. This leaves you with only two options: either you never exhaust your monthly credit completely, leaving $5−$10 unused, or you exceed the $30 credit altogether.

Their software is riddled with bugs. The results are often inaccurate, and the processing times can be absurdly slow, sometimes taking days to get a search result. They don't even offer a feature to block out closed businesses, so you might end up with a bunch of worthless, closed-down entries from Google. They also do not allow you to create a blacklist of searches, so you will end up with a lot of duplicated results. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS SCAM.

Founder Team


Aug 1, 2024

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We apologize for any frustration you've encountered with our service. We take feedback seriously and strive to improve our offerings and support.

Regarding your concerns:

We are looking into our credit usage notifications to provide clearer alerts when nearing the limit.
Our team is continuously working on improving the accuracy and speed of our results.
We will review your suggestions for blocking closed businesses and creating a blacklist to prevent duplicate entries.
We appreciate your patience and are here to help resolve any issues you may have. Please feel free to contact our support team directly for further assistance."
