Google Maps Scraper

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Member since: Jun 2024Deals bought: 45
1 stars
1 stars
Posted: Aug 28, 2024

Potential Issues to Be Aware Of

I had high hopes for this product, but I encountered an issue that others might want to be aware of. While using the tool, I noticed that the number of items it scraped didn’t match what I was being charged for. After bringing this to the support team’s attention, they confirmed that there was a mistake and corrected it. However, I was concerned when I attempted to scrape more data, as I was prompted to top up my balance first, which made me wary of being overcharged again.

Overall, I recommend that users carefully monitor their usage and charges to ensure everything aligns correctly. I hope the developers will address this issue, as it could improve the overall experience.

Founder Team


Sep 3, 2024

Thank you for sharing your experience and the challenges you encountered with our tool. I’m glad to hear that our support team was able to address the initial issue, but I understand your continued concerns about the billing discrepancies. We take your feedback seriously and are actively working on refining our system to ensure accuracy in usage tracking and billing. Monitoring your usage and charges closely, as you recommended, is a good practice, and we appreciate you pointing this out. We are committed to improving our service to ensure a better experience for all users. Thank you for your patience and valuable feedback.
