GoZen Content.Ai

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Q: Where can I find out more about the various sales and marketing frameworks in your model

eg "AIDA Framework, PAS Framework, Before after Bridge Framework etc" and any others newly implemented. What sales and marketing methodolgies has your tool been trained on? Thanks

csterPLUSSep 10, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 10, 2024

A: Hi,
We are planning to implement additional frameworks that will enhance the process, including STP (Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning) and the 7Ps of Marketing.

Our tool uses its own trained AI models to generate unique content.

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Posted: Sep 11, 2024

AIDA Framework, PAS Framework, Before after Bridge Framework are mentioned in your docs though— are these trainings implemented already?

Posted: Sep 11, 2024

Yes, these features are already available.